Google BigQuery Manages Your Tag Data to Reduce Cart Abandonment and Drive Sales

    The company used the Tealium Tag Management System to track customer activity and store data in AWS S3. Learn how you can enrich your company data for analytical needs using technologies built on Google Cloud Platform and Google Cloud services.

    The Client

    The client is a leading global manufacturer of skincare products with $1.5 billion in annual sales.

    The Challenge


    The company’s existing analytics system was using the Tealium iQ Tag Management System (TMS) to capture correct and relevant TMS data that aligns with their business goals. They wanted to create a 360-degree view of its customers to personalize their journey.


    To accomplish that, they planned to correlate e-commerce transactions and tap into the real-time clickstream of web interactions. The end goal was to create insights that would help them develop strategies to drive higher conversions from customer browsing data and reduce the number of shopping cart abandonments.


    Several challenges were keeping the company from achieving the above objective:


    • Data type mismatches across multiple files or even within the same file were common.


    • The client-side development team would dynamically change source files.


    • The use of special characters in column headers would cause incremental jobs to fail.


    All told, the company needed:


    • An all-encompassing view of customer activities: By correlating e-commerce transactions with clickstream web interactions, the company hoped to build a more accurate view of customer activities. Their TMS team could then improve the customer experience with improved personalization.


    • Accurate omnichannel data: Data arrived from many different sources from the company’s global network of web entry points. To build a clear customer view, they needed a solution that could adjust data types and correctly match columns.


    • Insights to improve conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment: Collecting data from multiple channels and resolving discrepancies would allow the company to better picture customer activities. They hoped to gain bankable insights from this new model to increase sales conversions and reduce cart abandonment, ultimately growing business revenue.

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    The Solution


    After carefully analyzing the company’s goals and current infrastructure, our Information Analytics team used a combination of tools, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud services, Apache Airflow, and Cloud Composer, to provide a viable solution. This solution allowed the company to source, load, and transform omnichannel tag data extracted from Tealium storage into meaningful data sets suitable for advanced analytics.


    The TMS data is first loaded into Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets from AWS S3 using Cloud Composer. From GCS, the data undergoes sanitization and normalization before being transferred into a BigQuery data lake. The data streams are merged into an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) layer, after which the correlated data is enriched and transformed in BigQuery for various analytical needs. It also offers many use cases for consumption by providing information on 26 different KPIs.




    Key points to our solution included:


    • Captures correct and relevant data aligned with business goals: The new system captures data from the TMS and then adjusts and correlates KPI information. With a clear view into customer activity, the company gains valuable insights to form sound business strategies.


    • Provides a clear path to move TMS data from AWS S3 into a BigQuery EDW: BigQuery provides comprehensive tools designed to operate on massive amounts of data. It easily manages the raw tag data and provides an excellent foundation for future growth.


    • A solid platform for use case development: Our solution gives the company access to clickstream attributes to build use cases for session behavior, visitors and visits, user journey, and product engagement and sales.

    Business Impact


    The solution represents a major new feature for the company and provides a number of benefits, including:


    • Enhanced customer experience leading to increased sales: Given that 26 KPIs are now available, the company can build a 360-degree view of customer activity. From this model, they can create a superior user experience by identifying and addressing the causes of shopping cart abandonment.


    • Tag data discovery and assessment generate ideas for web enhancements:The vast amount of data, now available from the TMS, can help the company make discoveries about customer activities that were previously unknown. These discoveries can lead to web enhancements and future product promotions.


    • Use cases providing insights into the customer omnichannel experience: Use case analysis can lead the company to determine what’s not working and what’s not interesting to the customers. Addressing these issues allows website visitors to make better use of their time while shopping. A faster and more efficient shopping experience leads to a higher sales volume.

    Technologies Used

    Tealium iQ: Omnichannel hosted tag management systemAWS S3: Service offered by Amazon Web Services for storageGoogle BigQuery: Highly scalable serverless GCP data warehouse that incorporates machine learning (ML), predictive modeling, and support for SQLGoogle Cloud Storage: Provides a cloud-based platform for storing massive amounts of dataApache Airflow: Open-source framework used to schedule and monitor workflowsCloud Composer: Managed workflow service built upon Airflow available in GCP

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