Who is the Client

An American Fortune 500 retail chain.

The Challenge

The client's existing rule-based product recommendation system was unable to handle product sequencing for a large number of products, as it was entirely a manual process. The client was aspiring for an automated product sequencing system that can extract data from multiple databases and process the information to rank the products based on the historical sales pattern.

The client wanted to deploy a Machine Learning (ML)-based trained model to overcome the limitations of the existing manual process (rule-based approach) for their non-personalized product recommendation system.

The Solution

GSPANN used machine learning techniques and automated the process while considering the historical product sales pattern. We replaced the rule-based system of product ranking and placement with automated Python scripts to deploy a more accurate and dynamic product ranking system.

GSPANN analyzed that the existing product recommendation system was rule-driven, manual, and suffers from various limitations. We provided a proof of concept for the ML-based trained model, which was automated, dynamic, scalable, flexible, and more accurate in ranking the products to achieve higher sales.

The ML-based hybrid system approach was a perfect fit for the new products (with no historical sales pattern) and old products (with available sales pattern) ranking on the e-commerce website.

GSPANN developed an ML trained model to display the product’s listing based on the historical sales pattern. We used Python for programming the ML model, which extracts the historical data from multiple databases and then processes the information to rank the products based on the probability of getting higher sales.

Business Impact

  • The product sequencing ML-trained model was more accurate than the traditional rule-based approach.
  • The ML-trained model was dynamic and more reliable in predicting the product sequence, which resulted in higher sales.

Technologies Used

SQL. A standard database language used to create, maintain, and retrieve a relational database
Apache Hive. A data warehouse software project built on top of Apache Hadoop to provide data query and analysis
Python. An interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose programming language that enables programmers to write clear and logical code

Related Capabilities

Utilize Actionable Insights from Multiple Data Hubs to Gain More Customers and Boost Sales

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